DB-2 is bringing what we have learned from living the DDPYoga lifestyle since 2012. That is when life changed and we started living again.
The program itself is so much more that "just another workout", it is a lifestyle. If you are ready to "Own YOUR Life" then this is where you need to be.
What is DDPYoga
DDP YOGA combines the very best of Yoga, Traditional Fitness, Sports Therapy and Dynamic Resistance to create one of the most effective fitness plans in existence today. It allows anyone to get an amazing cardio workout while improving muscular strength, dramatically increasing flexibility and strengthening the core in a single workout... all with minimal joint impact!
The main benefits are body fat loss, lean muscle growth, and improved cardio levels all without placing undue stress on the joints. DDP YOGA is currently used by professional football players, over 40 professional wrestlers, MMA fighters, and regular everyday people who want to perform at optimum levels and want to place themselves in the best position to see career and life changing results and improve their quality of life. At the same time, morbidly obese individuals have inspired us with their own DDP YOGA success stories!
DDP Yoga is the evolution of what was formerly the YRG Fitness System, which is best known for what many say is the most dramatic transformation in the health and fitness industry:
“Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% how you React to it, Stay Strong, Be Unstoppable.
Arthur Boorman was a disabled veteran of the Gulf War for 15 years, and was told by his doctors that he would never be able to walk on his own ever again. He stumbled upon an article about Diamond Dallas Page doing Yoga and the rest is history. For more information visit http://www.ddpyoga.com
This video shows exactly how Diamond Dallas Page over came all of his injuries and continues to "Hold Back the Hands of Time" with his DDPYOGA! Zero IMPACT on your joints! Kickass CARDIO!
Dramatically Increased FLEXIBILITY! Core STRENGTH Conditioning!
Diamond Dallas Page explains how he hesitantly turned to yoga to overcome his wrestling injuries. Page went on to found DDP Yoga, a program that borrows heavily from yogic traditions while featuring his own innovations.
Read more at BigThink.com: http://goo.gl/y7w1kU Follow Big Think here: YouTube: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5