I began my journey like many others
After years of inactivity, and not really seeing where I was a friend took some pictures and posted them.
I was shocked and embarrassed. I knew I had gained some weight over the years, but you don't really see yourself in the mirror, until you really see yourself.
What was next?
I knew I had to make a change, something had to be done. I had been thru the normal routines everyone goes through. I looked into many options and then one day I stumbled upon the Arthur Video. Found DDPYoga and researched more. Then I got a response from the creator of this workout/program/lifestyle, Diamond Dallas Page.
So the journey had begun... I had no idea where it would LED me
Now I have blogged about my changes, my new life since the beginning so I won't re-document 2 years worth here. But my life started to change. Because I made the choice to "Own My Life" as DDP says over and over. Ultimately it comes down to what I want , and what I am willing to do.
You can read the whole journey here... Owning it... My DDPYoga Journey
AND the journey continues...
The certification process
Once the opportunity arose, I was very interested, as my nature is to help/teach others. And then one day in the Spring of 2014 my journey to become a "Certified DDPYoga Instructor" began. This started from the blessing of someone or a group of people that believed in me, and that I could.
So I started. and worked on it. Becoming a "Certified DDDPYoga Instructor" is not a quick certification, But I was up for the task since I have been living it, and have been to MANY DDPYoga workshops, and several DDPYoga Retreats, so I knew how Dallas taught, and I knew what needed to be done.
My goal was to have it completed prior to my birthday in 2014, well that was accomplished. And now My goal is to help others the way DDPYoga has helped me. DB-2 is my vehicle to do just that.
As I continue on my personal journey, I will be able to help others along their own journey, which in turn will continue to help me. We CAN do this together.